Stay Safe from Scams

Stay Safe from Scams

oung woman feeling stressed while looking bank account online

Stay Safe from Scams!

Sometimes, people try to trick you to get your private information. Here’s how to stay safe:

What We Will NEVER Do:

  • Community Health Choice will never call or message you and ask for things like your Social Security number, bank account details, or passwords.
  • We will never call or message you to offer free food or help paying rent.

What to Do if Something Seems Strange:

If you get a call, email, or message that seems strange and says it’s from us:

  • Don’t tell them anything personal!
  • Just hang up the phone or ignore the message.
  • Tell us about the scam by calling our real Member Services number.
  • If you’re not sure if something is real, call us to check.

We care about keeping you safe! If you’re worried about anything, please call us:

  • CHIP/STAR Members: 713.295.2294 or 1.888.760.2600 (TTY 7-1-1)
  • STAR+PLUS Members: 713.295.2300 or 1.888.435.2850 (TTY 7-1-1)
  • Marketplace Members: 713.295.6704 or 1.855.315.5386 (TTY 7-1-1)
  • Medicare (D-SNP) Members: 713.295.5007 or 1.833.276.8306 (TTY 7-1-1) 
