Stay Safe from Scams!
Sometimes, people try to trick you to get your private information. Here’s how to stay safe:
What We Will NEVER Do:
- Community Health Choice will never call or message you and ask for things like your Social Security number, bank account details, or passwords.
- We will never call or message you to offer free food or help paying rent.
What to Do if Something Seems Strange:
If you get a call, email, or message that seems strange and says it’s from us:
- Don’t tell them anything personal!
- Just hang up the phone or ignore the message.
- Tell us about the scam by calling our real Member Services number.
- If you’re not sure if something is real, call us to check.
We care about keeping you safe! If you’re worried about anything, please call us:
- CHIP/STAR Members: 713.295.2294 or 1.888.760.2600 (TTY 7-1-1)
- STAR+PLUS Members: 713.295.2300 or 1.888.435.2850 (TTY 7-1-1)
- Marketplace Members: 713.295.6704 or 1.855.315.5386 (TTY 7-1-1)
- Medicare (D-SNP) Members: 713.295.5007 or 1.833.276.8306 (TTY 7-1-1)