Tips for creating a routine to help keep your (and your kids’) lives simple and organized.

Returning to school means the return of responsibility, added activities, and deadlines. Creating a routine is important to help keep your life simple and organized.
An easy way to tackle a daily routine is to break the routine up into times of the day with activities that can be adjusted to your children’s abilities. Reliable schedules for mornings, after school, and bedtime make a tremendous difference in setting expectations and building good habits. The key is to figure out a routine that works best for your family.
Discuss the routine with your family and then post it in a place that everyone can easily view it.
Sample Morning Routine
*No TV or screens in the Morning*
6:45 AM Wake up and get dressed
6:55 AM Make bed
7:00 AM Have breakfast
7:15 AM Brush hair and teeth, put on shoes
7:30 AM Gather backpack, lunch and other school materials, leave for school
Sample Afternoon Routine
3:30 PM Have snack, relax
4:00 PM Do homework and chores
5:00 PM Free time, screen time
Sample Evening Routine
6:30 PM Set table, have dinner and clear dishes
7:00 PM Make lunch and pack bag with all materials for school the next day
7:15 PM Family time
7:45 PM Shower and get dressed for bed
8:00 PM Have a light healthy snack and read
8: 30 PM Brush teeth and go to bed
Consistency is key when it comes to creating a routine that sticks around the whole school year. In addition to the daily routine, a calendar should be posted in a place that all family members can view it. Mark all important deadlines and activities on it.
Organization in the home will also help in creating a winning routine. Establish designated areas where:
- Backpacks and school supplies are stored
- Homework is done
- Important papers are organized
- Art projects and keepsakes are stored
- Sports equipment is stowed away
Again, make sure all family members know the areas and use them correctly and consistently every day.
A new school year is an exciting time that requires some adjustment, but creating a winning back to school routine enables a smooth transition for all!