Diontre’s Story: Moving to Houston

Diontre’s Story: Moving to Houston

In 2017, Diontre moved to Houston. When she got pregnant with her fifth child, her family needed another change to keep life moving forward. That’s when she decided to go back to school for an accounting degree. 

Today she works full time, is a mom of five and is taking classes to earn an Associate’s Degree in Accounting. Her life is hectic and at times very stressful, but she does what she needs to do to make it work. There are rough moments. Sometimes they don’t know how they’ll make it, but they consider themselves lucky because they have family members to lean on. 

Even amongst these challenges, she feels more positive about her life now more so than ever. When she comes up against an obstacle, she overcomes it. Her faith and support team are what get her by. 

She’s up daily at 5:45am getting her family’s day started. The constant theme in her life is:

If you keep going, you’ll get there.

She wants her family to see that she can make it and she’s proud of herself for doing so.

Diontre Photo
