Chequeo de THSteps a través de servicios de telemedicina

Chequeo de THSteps a través de servicios de telemedicina

THSteps Checkup via Telemedicine Services

Waving telemedicine doctor on laptop screenDuring the current COVID-19 pandemic, Community offers telemedicine services and encourages members to use these services whenever possible.

A Provider can screen for certain components of the wellness checkup over the phone, and later ask you to return for in-person visit to complete the remaining components of the checkup; such as, physical exam and immunizations, if needed.

If you are a CHIP, CHIP-P or STAR Member, ask your Provider if they offer telemedicine.

If your doctor is not available and you need help with locating telemedicine services, please call us for assistance at 713.295.6789 or toll-free at 1.844.882.7642 or email us at [email protected].

